In Spain, we are on the verge of a momentous event in the business world: the generational changeover. The generation known as the “baby boomers,” born in a period of economic prosperity, is approaching retirement in the next decade. An estimated 10 million people are expected to retire from the workforce in this period. This event, which spans all sectors, has a significant impact on staff turnover in companies.

The Replacement Challenge

The mass retirements of baby boomers pose a considerable challenge for companies, regardless of their industry. The need to replace ten million retired workers is a monumental task, but also an opportunity for innovation and diversification.

Strategic Recruitment

To cope with this staff turnover, companies must adopt more agile and flexible recruitment strategies. Demand for new talent and skills will be high, requiring investment in developing effective talent acquisition strategies. Collaboration with universities, training programmes and the active search for more diverse profiles become imperative.

Knowledge Retention

With the departure of the baby boomers, valuable knowledge capital accumulated over decades will be lost. Companies must implement effective strategies for knowledge retention, such as mentoring programmes and the digitisation of processes to document best practices.

Adapting to New Generations

Generational change also means adapting to the expectations and needs of younger generations. Technology and flexible working hours become crucial to attract and retain talent from Generation X, millennials and Generation Z.

Investing in Internal Development

Internal employee training and development is essential to prepare current and future employees. Companies must invest in training and development programmes that enable their staff to acquire the necessary skills to face the challenges of the future. At Trama Learning, we are committed to helping companies make an effective transition that will facilitate the effective dissemination of digitised knowledge.


The generational changeover is underway, and its impact on staff turnover in Spanish companies is undeniable. However, this change also represents an opportunity for growth and evolution. Companies that can adapt and embrace this change with #digital recruitment and development strategies will be better prepared to face the challenges of the future and thrive in a new era of work. Smart management of generational transition becomes a key element for long-term success. #internationaltraining #tramalearning #knowledge retention


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