The e-learning revolution. In a context of revolution in production processes as well as the arrival and consolidation of new technologies such as artificial intelligence, virtual reality and cloud-based software, the training of human teams is a huge challenge for companies. Thus, investment in e-learning exceeded $250 billion in 2020. And it is expected to grow at a rate of 21% per year until 2027.
Training challenges. However, despite the fact that on-the-job training of people is the key to success for all companies, there is no digital on-the-job training tool for employees on the market. Until now.
Trained personnel. TRAMA Learning (Training Management) has been designed to solve this problem by allowing content to be created from job-specific instructions at any time. Adapting and developing naturally to the evolution of production processes.
Continuous development. In the same way that the technical development of production processes is constantly evolving, the training contents related to them require constant updating. And this is where existing digital training tools that work in a static and unchanging way do not do a proper job.
Get to know the talent of your team. In addition, TRAMA Learning’s own characteristics allow you to manage talent and know the training needs of the company’s team. All in an organic way in which all parties involved know in real time the evolution of the training process of each person.
The evolution of Binary Soul’s GTS. This digital tool, an evolution of Binary Soul’s successful GTS, allows its users to make a qualitative leap in terms of managing the training of their workforces, regardless of the size of the company and without a huge investment, as it is fully adaptable to each scenario. It is a tool successfully tested in companies as different as CIE Automotive, Tubacex, Orbea or Siemens Gamesa.
BeDigital 2022. To learn more about TRAMA Learning we invite you to the GAIA stand at the BeDigital trade show that will be held at the Bilbao Exhibition Centre from June 13 to 17. On the first day at 15:00 Santiago Córdoba, CEO of Binary Soul, will give a short talk at the speakers corner. In addition, on the 15th he will participate in a round table with Tecnalia, Lantek and Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy to talk about Advanced Interaction and Worker 4.0.