DISRUPTION. The arrival and consolidation of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in all social spheres has completely transformed the way in which we interact with our environment. Each and every level of our lives -personal, social and work- has experienced a disruption due to the enormous amount of information we have at our disposal, how we manage it and, above all, how we share it.
DIGITALIZATION. Thus, just as our way of consuming content, buying, communicating, playing or working has changed, each and every one of the economic activities related to them has undergone a process of digitalization. The most interesting thing, undoubtedly, is how all of them have become interrelated thanks to this same process of technification.
TRAINING. And, just as e-commerces allow us to purchase products or hire services in a comfortable way from anywhere and at any time, other processes such as e-learning allow us to start and develop training processes in a much easier way.
VERSATILITY. It is precisely this versatility that has led all kinds of companies of all sizes and sectors – including public institutions – to opt for e-learning projects that allow them to train their teams through tutorials, tools that favor microlearning or gamified systems that bring these solutions closer to even the most skeptical people.
While it is easy to think of major industrial groups using them to train huge work teams, software solutions such as Tramale are presented as fully adaptable and scalable for all types of companies that want to enhance their organizational culture and increase their commitment to workers.
MULTISECTORAL. In this way, companies in the services sector (commerce, finance, insurance, hospitality, primary sector, etc.) can take advantage of the improved communications Tramale allows in order to generate a personalized and collaborative learning environment that not only encourages employee skills but also helps to consolidate the training processes of the companies.
SOLUTION. Tramale provides the necessary tools for any company to develop its own digital training system that helps them develop a pre-established training and career plan to consolidate employee skills. In addition, its multiplatform features and compatibility with other programs makes it perfect for the implementation of unique training plans for each company and for each woker to set their own pace of learning.
IMPROVEMENT. Contents of Occupational Risk Prevention, updates of production processes or customer service protocols, training related to the management of physical products and even legal regulations related to the provision of services are susceptible to entering the electronic training system to facilitate the standardization of processes and improve productivity and performance -via training- of the work teams.